BookBanter Episode 38 with Brandon Sanderson

BookBanterPhoto by Kyle Cassidy

Brandon Sanderson is the bestselling author of the Mistborn trilogy and will be soon starting work on the final book of the Wheel of Time series, after completing The Gathering Storm and Towers of Midnight. Two years ago — almost to the day — I had my first interview on BookBanter with Brandon Sanderson. Back then he had just begun work on the Wheel of Time series, after releasing the concluding volume of the Mistoborn series. We did the interview after a reading and signing, out in the open, with little interruption. You can hear the interview here.

Way of Kings

With the release of Sanderson’s own brand spanking new ten-book series, The Stormlight Archive, with The Way of Kings, and the recent release of the second to last Wheel of Time book, Towers of Midnight, I thought it would be fitting to have Sanderson be the first second interview with the same person on BookBanter, on the second anniversary of the podcast. This time, I was only given a fifteen minute window before a huge signing (there was no time for a reading) in a back office. I knew at the time of the original interview with Sanderson, that the next time would be a big affair, but I had no idea how big.

In the short but detailed interview, Sanderson talks about how he was able to get two extremely long books written and published in one year, why he thinks he won’t have any books out for a while, and some secrets to his favorite hobby: RPGs!

To play the episode GO HERE; to download, right click on THIS LINK.

Also, with regards to the BookBanter website, there’s a new page called Librivox. On the main Librivox page you will find a wide selection of free listening material to download and enjoy. It is essentially the audio version of the Gutenberg Project, where you can enjoy a number of books and stories that are available in the public domain (because their copyright has expired). All audio recordings are done on a volunteer basis, and a number of years ago — before BookBanter (which was no doubt an influence on the genesis of the podcast) — I decided to record some short stories and then some books by Jules Verne and H. G. Wells for Librivox. On the Librivox page you can find all these recordings, as well as the links to downloading the stories, and the chapters to the books. After receiving some wonderful feedback from a reader for one of the recordings, I plan to get started on recording some more books in the near future.

And stay tuned for the BookBanter Boon giveaway, which will be up shortly on this blog.

Until December, keep reading.

Alex C. Telander.

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