The First Autographed Copy of “Kyra: The First Book of Enchantus” by Alex C. Telander

The first copy of Kyra: The First Book of Enchantus has been autographed and personalized for Dennis.

If anyone else would like their copy of Kyra signed, you can email me at and I’ll give you the address to send the book too, will autograph and personalize to your specifications, and then send the book back to you.

The print edition of Kyra can be purchased here, and is also available in ebook format, if you prefer.


“Kyra” Now Available in the Ebook Format of Your Choosing

Kyra: The First Book of Enchantus is now available in the ebook format of your choosing for the low price of $4.99.  It is now available through Smashwords in the following ebook formats: Epub, PDF, Mobi (Kindle), RTF, LRF, Palm Doc, and Plain Text.  The link to the book and the various formats it can be downloaded in, as well as a brief description and a long description can be found by clicking the cover above, or clicking here.

If you would prefer a print edition for $9.99 or would like to get the Kindle version through Amazon click here.

Release Date Part Two for “Kyra: The First Book of Enchantus”

Turns out Amazon were more on top of it than they said.  So the good news is that my book, Kyra: The First Book of Enchantus, is now available both in paperback for $9.99 and Kindle ebook for $4.99.  Links for purchasing are below.

Paperback Edition:






Kindle Ebook Edition:






Release Date for “Kyra: The First Book of Enchantus

And that’s it.  The book is out, though currently only in ebook through CreateSpace, which you can find here.  The print edition, which retails at $9.99, should be available through Amazon in about a week, and I will let everyone know once it is.  I’m also doing another ebook version through KDP which will be available for $4.99, as well as part of the Kindle Lending Library Program.  But if you really need it right now, just click on the link or cover above.

Now I really need to focus on packing as I’m moving this weekend!  Next week there will be a lot more stuff on Kyra coming, but for now, here she is, going out to the world . . .

A Very Minor Setback

Okay, after getting the final proofs back for Kyra, there were still a couple of tiny things that needed fixing, and because I’m a perfectionist and want the book to be absolutely right in every way possible, we’re all going to have to wait a little longer . . . fortunately it’s just one more day.  The final proof is off for absolutely final checking and then it will be ready by tomorrow morning to get published and be available for purchase and download.  Kyra: The First Book of Enchantus will be available both in a print paperback edition and an ebook.

And now because you’ve all been so patient, here’s another little teaser gift for you, the complete jacket to the book created and designed by the brilliant Ryan Calimlim:

Click on the cover for a larger version.

Book Tewaser #9 for “Kyra: The First Book of Enchantus”

August 28th arrives tomorrow; now for a final teaser for you:

“The ocean seemed angry.

While the waves were hypnotizing her with their ferocity, Kyra heard another, far different sound off to her left.  It sounded like something with small feet approaching her, trying to remain unheard.  Kyra finally plucked up enough courage to turn her head and look.

Her mouth dropped open and she could feel the cold wind running into her mouth and down her throat, drying up her saliva.

There, just ten feet away, stood a seagull, except it wasn’t your ordinary seagull.  This one was the size of her dog, Pal, who she was able to ride around on in the house.  The giant gull stopped, turned its head sideways, then opened its beak as if to speak.”

For more information and updates, go to and “like” the Facebook page.

Book Teaser #8 for “Kyra the First Book of Enchantus”

August 28th comes ever closer; another teaser for you:

“Doci reached the foot of the throne, with the armrest reaching his chest.  But the person’s feet, if he’d been a king, were about half a foot off the floor.  He studied the throne, looking closely at it and was able to tell that it was carved from a very strong stone, for it had kept its exact shape for so long, and apart from being covered in dust, the throne was still in amazing condition.  Its great size conveyed to Doci a time so very long past, perhaps one that no one knew anything about – not even Jolus the Malignant or Demto.  The size spoke of a race of beings before the Enchantans and possibly even before the Mesolans, when there’d been a different kind of people of a great height.  There was a headrest at the top of the back of the throne, and judging from its size, these unknown giants had large heads to match their staggering size.  How Doci wished he could see one of these people of the past and see just what they were like; to see what life had been like in Aisis Lip way back then.”

For more information and updates, go to and “like” the Facebook page.