“The Cave Painters: Probing the Mysteries of the World’s First Artists” by Gregory Curtis (Knopf, 2006)

The Cave Paintersstarstarstar

It was a special day when Gregory Curtis was vacationing in France with his family and entered some famous caves.  When he gazed upon the unique cave paintings for the first time, this book was born.  The Cave Painters is a two-part story: one small part the story of the rise of Cro-Magnon, modern humans, and their painting abilities; the rest the history of those people who first discovered the paintings and how they proved their finds to the world.

In the first chapter, Curtis starts right at the beginning with the first non-ape hominid to evolve and make their way across Africa as a being that would one day be known as human.  He then takes the reader on a journey evolving through different generations of the Homo genus up to Cro-Magnon, better known as Homo sapiens.  Curtis also discusses the merits of whether the Neanderthals were “wiped out” by the arrival of Cro-Magnon, leaning more towards no, since the population numbers that are being discussed here are in little more than the thousands.  These two different groups of people would rarely have had any contact with each other at all.  Nevertheless, it is clear that Curtis has gone all out with the research, making sure that it is clear and up to date, and to put forth multiple ideas that are currently supported, and not just the one he supports.

While the reader is left wanting much more in this area, this is sadly where Curtis essentially leaves it, now taking up the history of those special people who discovered the cave paintings of Western Europe.  Though in some ways this is just as moving and tumultuous a story as that of the Cro-Magnons and Neanderthals.  These people, for the most part French since the largest number of caves with paintings are located in France, have their story told starting in the nineteenth century.  Some were shunned and mocked and even had their careers ruined by others when they told the world of these cave paintings that were over ten thousand years old.  Curtis takes the research right up to the present day with what is currently being done with the cave paintings; how probably the most famous caves at Lascaux have been recreated in a separate building due to the  deterioration of the paintings by the large number of visitors.

The Cave Painters is an incredible story where the reader first learns a detailed evolutionary history of humanity, and then a detailed biographical history of the famous discoveries of specific cave paintings throughout Europe.  Recently released in paperback, the book features numerous copies and illustrations of the cave paintings to aid Curtis’s discussion, as well as a selection of colored plates.  It is a short book that will educate the reader greatly.

If you liked this review and are interested in purchasing this book, click here.

Originally written on October 20th 2007 ©Alex C. Telander.

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